Press Release: Councilmember Grosso introduces legislation to utilize gender-inclusive language in D.C. official code
News Release — At-large DC Council member David Grosso
January 7, 2020
Matthew Nocella
Washington, D.C. – Today, Councilmember David Grosso introduced legislation that would modernize the D.C. Official Code with gender inclusive language that reflects the diversity of the District of Columbia population.
“Older laws show outdated thinking about gender with a default to masculine pronouns or to masculinized forms of nouns. Other laws fail to embody the gender diversity of our community, instead using binary language,” said Grosso. “Language matters, language holds power, and the language of our laws is especially important.”
The Gendered Terms Modernization Amendment Act of 2020 seeks to change gendered D.C. Code language to gender neutral terms by proposing a list of replacements for existing terms found throughout the D.C. Code. For example, “he or she” would be changed to “the individual” or the single gender-neutral “they”. Additionally, the bill amends the D.C. Charter and Home Rule Act to remove patriarchal terms, such as the title of the D.C. Council’s “Chairman” in favor of “Chairperson”. The bill provides exceptions for laws that require specific gendered language.
The District of Columbia would join jurisdictions, such as Sacramento and Detroit, that have undertaken similar efforts to require gender inclusive language in their laws and codes.
“D.C. has long been a leader in women’s rights, transgender rights, and recognizing the gender diversity of our community,” said Grosso. “The language in our laws should further that commitment.”###
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